Saturday, February 27, 2010


Has this practice become so common now that although a serious offence people have come to put a blind eye on it OR is it a symptom to some form of odd behaviour?

I have watched every time i go into Tesco Hypermaket, the fruits section, u will see families, parents and kids, going through the shelfs where they are raisins and grapes, more especially grapes, everyone will be picking one as they pass, some dont even pick one they stay there eat until they are satisfied, and the very thing that is disturbing is that this practice affects all, nobody to lead other and tell them its wrong, i always wonder why are the shop assistants not confroting this people because their action amounts to shop lifting which is punishable by law.

but again, if it was you, how will you feel to be embrassed by such a petty thing, which you could have been able to avoid, what would you think of the shop assistant who brings you to justice, i mean remeber they will be simply doing their jobs, you cn imagine how much tesco lose in the grapes sale if every 10 000 of their customer per day are to pick a grape and eat for free
it is high time we people take responsibilities, by the time these shops start to seriously enforcing these shoplifting laws, it will be too late to repeant, lets stop this diabolic behaviour and show how moral and principled we are, !!!!!

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