Wednesday, April 7, 2010


At a time when google is threatening to pull out of China on issues related to internet censorship, I thought it might be good to lay down my view on this hot topic. Want read more on the story you can simply google it, there are so many reports given which do vary on the facts sorrounding the threat but here is a link to one of the news reports on the issue, CLICK HERE TO READ

Malaysia has different acts which are aimed at censoring information as it is passed to the community or society, among them are
  • MCMC ( Malaysia Communication and Multimedia Act) 1992-regulates blog contents/website contents
  • PPPA(Printing Pressess and Publication Act) - mainly for newspapers

While censorship might seem a good thing in the eyes of the initiators, there has been many cotroversies sorrounding this issue as most ordinary citizens feel
s it violates freedom of speech and expression, and most importantly denies them access to knowledge and wisdom.

The picture on the right says it all on why people feel they way they feel about censorship, because its sensored we will never know the truth.

and that exactly how i feel too about sensorship, isn't it time people are let to know everything and think for themselves, why should they allow us to hear and see what they want, and bury what they dont want.

do they doubt are decision making capabilities? why should a group of less than hundred or so people represents the mind of majority. Its too bad because i have more question than answers on censorship, is it wrong or good!!!!! totally wrong, in my personal capacity no form of sensorship is good no matter how tormenting or revealing the material is, as human being we must be let to use our senses and choose what we think is good and bad for us, God gave us our sense to use and no man has the right to undermine them, the best that can be done is guide and teach people to deal and accept that some things will always be with us no matter what, one way or the other the truth will always come out.

lets take for instance, you buy a movie ticket, catch the movie at the cinema, where most of the scenes has been cut because the are deemed sensitive, but then you come home, curious to know what the cut scenes were about, you go online, download the movie and at the end of the day you have uncovered the never meant to know.
so basically with these diverse world, where rules can apply in one scenario but be difficult in enforce in another, or where what is deemed sensitive in one country is not in another, censorship laws have become totally irrelevant and should maybe be abolished.


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